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8 Things I Learned From Wearing A Wayne's World Hat to a Music Festival - We're Not Worthy

It was a regular day, in my regular life when I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, “you have the same hair as Wayne Campbell.”

If you’re going to look like Wayne Campbell you might as well put the Hat on it. I ordered my Hat online and it arrived two days before I headed to Rifflandia Music Festival in Victoria, BC. It wasn’t a conscious decision to wear the hat all weekend, but once I had it on I realized that although I didn’t feel different, the people around me had changed.

Once it was on it was on to stay, and here is what I learned from my weekend in the Wayne’s World Hat.

1. I look great in this hat. So did Mike Myers, so does everyone.

2. People forget until they see the Hat, how much they love Wayne’s World. They yelled from across the field, ran up to me, stopped me in the street. Even the lead singer of Hollerado, “That is a great hat.”

3. They want to tell you of times they’ve spent in the Hat. “First year Halloween, it just felt like home.”

4. You are now responsible for quote back. “Party on Wayne!”

5.Air guitar.

6. The later it gets the more drunkly, aggressive the quotes become, and for these people a response it not optional. “EXCELLENT!”

7. You are more approachable than you’ve ever been before. More people spoke to me at Rifflandia wearing a Wayne’s World hat than did at all the other festivals I was at this summer combined.

8. You can never forget that you're wearing the Hat. By nighttime, when you’ve been shooting all day it becomes a lot of work. People expect Wayne, but all they get is tired ol’ me weakly playing air guitar, “weeoooweeoooweeeooo”

The Hat is more than just a standard black, snap-back trucker’s hat. It has personality, it means something to people and with it comes responsibility.

Classic Quotes from the movies we all love

© 2017 - Potentially Famous Productions 

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