2015 Recap and 6 Month Mini Celebration
Today West Coast Live is six months old, which I know is not something to actually celebrate. But it is the time of year to reflect back and plan ahead for 2016 so we thought it would be a good time to share some of our experiences of 2015 and the last six months.
In 2015 West Coast Live and Potentially Famous Productions hit five music festivals. Song and Surf, Tall Tree, Khatsahlano, Sunfest, and Rifflandia & Breakout West. We shot multiple music videos, live sessions and introductions for Potentially Famous, and the Lovecoast intro and Kristie McCracken live session specifically for West Coast Live.
So what's the plan for 2016? Amazing question. We want to hit more live performances, meet more musicians and profile more people who make living on the west coast so spectacular. Think you know someone who is being awesome? Let us know! Shoot us an email anytime at info@thepotentiallyfamous.com
In the meantime take a look at the videos we produced in the first 6 months of West Coast Live's little life.
1. Rifflandia and Breakout West
2. Lovecoast
3. Kristie McCracken 'After the Rain'
4. Song and Surf 2015